ASD's Blueprint for Secure Cloud

Configuration assessment

This page describes the use of Microsoft 365 Desired State Configuration (DSC) to assess a Blueprint configuration.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


Microsoft 365 Desired State Configuration (M365DSC) is a configuration-as-code tool developed by Microsoft to automate the configuration of Microsoft 365 services. M365DSC can also be used to undertake automated assessments of an M365 configuration in order to complement manual and other automated assessment tools.

Manual assessments of configurations should be the primary assessment method, or it should be used in conjunction with an automated tool to address any gaps in tool coverage and for validating assessment tool reports.

When comparing your targeted M365 service against the guidance in the Blueprint’s configuration pages, consideration should be given to the reasons behind any deviations, and if the deviations are appropriate in the current context.

The M365DSC mechanism described below will assess approximately half of the Blueprint configurations, the remainder will require manual assessment.

Automated M365DSC assessment

M365DSC performs an assessment by comparing an M365 service’s configuration to a DSC blueprint. By using the DSC files published in the Blueprint as the DSC blueprint files, a user can perform an assessment of the configuration of an M365 service against the Blueprint.

While these DSC blueprints can be extended to include complementary metadata to contextualise an assessment report, this is not currently in scope.

1. Complete the prerequisite tasks

A Windows host and additional configurations are required for the following steps, instructions for these are in the DSC setup page.

2. Copy the DSC files

On the Windows host, download the DSC file for the targeted M365 service to your working folder and rename it to have a .M365 extension instead of a .txt or a .ps1 extension:

ServiceAssessment coverage
Entra IDPartial
Microsoft 365None
Microsoft IntunePartial
Microsoft DefenderPartial
Microsoft PurviewPartial
Exchange OnlinePartial
SharePoint OnlinePartial
Microsoft TeamsFull
Power PlatformNone
3. Update the DSC version in the DSC file

The DSC file requires the same versioning as the modules used for assessment, update the ModuleVersion parameter for the Import-DscResource command in the DSC file with your DSC version.

The module version can be displayed with:

Get-Module Microsoft365DSC -ListAvailable | select ModuleBase, Version
4. Assess the configuration

Authenticate to your Entra tenant with an account with permissions to read the target M365 service’s configurations:

$creds = Get-Credential

Execute the following command to assess the configuration, substituting the full file and folder paths:

Assert-M365DSCBlueprint -BluePrintUrl '<path to .M365 file>' -OutputReportPath '<path to HTML folder>' -Credentials $creds

This will generate a HTML report comparing the targeted M365 service’s configuration to the DSC blueprint file.

4a. Assess the configuration - alternative

It is also possible to execute the Assert-M365DSCBlueprint command using the M365DSC app created during the setup process. This can be useful if a less-interactive execution of an assessment is required, or when delegating execution of an assessment to another user.

With additional arguments, the parameters used in the configuration data file can replace the -Credentials $creds part of the above command:

  • substitute <> for the primary domain name of the tenant to assess
  • substitute <GUID> for the application ID of M365DSC app used for assessment
  • substitute <thumbprint hash> for the thumbprint of the certificate used to authenticate the M365DSC app
Assert-M365DSCBlueprint -BluePrintUrl '<path to .M365 file>' -OutputReportPath '<path to HTML folder>' -TenantId <> -ApplicationId <GUID> -CertificateThumbprint <thumbprint hash>
5. Manually assess configurations and evaluate deviations
  • Verify the M365 service’s configurations against the Blueprint’s configuration pages, noting where the generated HTML provides assessment coverage.
  • Evaluate configuration deviations and modify as required.
6. Remove permissions

Remove all app permissions, and any service principal role assignments or other service-specific permissions, after DSC operations.




Do you have a suggestion on how the above page could be improved? Get in touch! ASD's Blueprint for Secure Cloud is an open source project, and we would love to get your input. Submit an issue on our GitHub, or send us an email at

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