MS Security Guide | |
Apply UAC restrictions to local accounts on network logons | Enabled |
Configure SMB v1 client driver | Enabled |
- Configure MrxSmb10 driver | Disable driver (recommended) |
Configure SMB v1 server | Disabled |
Enable Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection (SEHOP) | Enabled |
MSS (Legacy) | |
MSS (DisableIPSourceRouting IPv6) IP source routing protection level (protects against packet spoofing) | Enabled |
- DisableIPSourceRoutingIPv6 (Device) | Highest protection, source routing is completely disabled |
MSS: (DisableIPSourceRouting) IP source routing protection level (protects against packet spoofing) | Enabled |
- DisableIPSourceRouting (Device) | Highest protection, source routing is completely disabled |
MSS: (EnableICMPRedirect) Allow ICMP redirects to override OSPF generated routes | Disabled |
MSS: (NoNameReleaseOnDemand) Allow the computer to ignore NetBIOS name release requests except from WINS servers | Enabled |
System | |
Prevent access to registry editing tools (User) | Enabled |
- Disable regedit from running silently? (User) | Yes |
Prevent access to the command prompt (User) | Enabled |
- Disable the command prompt script processing also? (User) | Yes |
System > Audit Process Creation | |
Include command line in process creation events | Enabled |
System > Credentials Delegation | |
Remote host allows delegation of non-exportable credentials | Enabled |
System > Early Launch Antimalware | |
Boot-Start Driver Initialization Policy | Enabled |
- Choose the boot-start drivers that can be initialized: | Good and unknown |
System > Group Policy | |
Configure registry policy processing | Enabled |
- Do not apply during periodic background processing (Device) | False |
- Process even if the Group Policy objects have not changed (Device) | True |
Configure security policy processing | Enabled |
- Do not apply during periodic background processing (Device) | False |
- Process even if the Group Policy objects have not changed (Device) | True |
Turn off background refresh of Group Policy | Disabled |
Turn off Local Group Policy Objects processing | Enabled |
Turn off Resultant Set of Policy logging | Enabled |
System > Logon | |
Allow users to select when a password is required when resuming from connected standby | Disabled |
Do not display network selection UI | Enabled |
Do not process the legacy run list | Enabled |
Do not process the run once list | Enabled |
Enumerate local users on domain-joined computers | Disabled |
Run these programs at user logon | Disabled |
Turn off app notifications on the lock screen | Enabled |
Turn off picture password sign-in | Enabled |
Turn on convenience PIN sign-in | Disabled |
System > Remote Assistance | |
Configure Offer Remote Assistance | Disabled |
Configure Solicited Remote Assistance | Disabled |
System > Remote Procedure Call | |
Restrict Unauthenticated RPC clients | Enabled |
- RPC Runtime Unauthenticated Client Restriction to Apply: | Authenticated |
System > Removable Storage Access | |
All Removable Storage classes: Deny all access | Enabled |
CD and DVD: Deny execute access | Enabled |
CD and DVD: Deny read access | Disabled |
CD and DVD: Deny write access | Enabled |
Custom Classes: Deny read access | Disabled |
Floppy Drives: Deny execute access | Enabled |
Floppy Drives: Deny read access | Disabled |
Floppy Drives: Deny write access | Enabled |
Removable Disks: Deny execute access | Enabled |
Removable Disks: Deny read access | Disabled |
Tape Drives: Deny execute access | Enabled |
Tape Drives: Deny read access | Disabled |
Tape Drives: Deny write access | Enabled |
WPD Devices: Deny read access | Disabled |
WPD Devices: Deny write access | Enabled |
Windows Components > Windows Remote Shell | |
Allow Remote Shell Access | Disabled |
Windows Components > Windows Remote Management (WinRM) > WinRM Service | |
Allow Basic authentication | Disabled |
Allow unencrypted traffic | Disabled |
Disallow WinRM from storing RunAs credentials | Enabled |
Windows Components > Windows Remote Management (WinRM) > WinRM Client | |
Allow Basic authentication | Disabled |
Allow unencrypted traffic | Disabled |
Disallow Digest authentication | Enabled |
Windows Components > Windows PowerShell | |
Execution Policy (Device) | Allow only signed scripts |
Turn on PowerShell Script Block Logging | Enabled |
- Log script block invocation start / stop events: | False |
Turn on Script Execution | Enabled |
Windows Components > Windows Logon Options | |
Disable or enable software Secure Attention Sequence | Disabled |
Sign-in and lock last interactive user automatically after a restart | Disabled |
Windows Components > Store | |
Turn off the Store application | Enabled |
Windows Components > Sound Recorder | |
Do not allow Sound Recorder to run | Enabled |
Windows Components > RSS Feeds | |
Prevent downloading of enclosures | Enabled |
Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Security | |
- Encryption Level | High Level |
Always prompt for password upon connection | Enabled |
Do not allow local administrators to customize permissions | Enabled |
Require secure RPC communication | Enabled |
Require use of specific security layer for remote (RDP) connections | Enabled |
- Security Layer (Device) | SSL |
Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication | Enabled |
Set client connection encryption level | Enabled |
Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Device and Resource Redirection | |
Do not allow Clipboard redirection | Enabled |
Do not allow drive redirection | Enabled |
Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections | |
Allow users to connect remotely by using Remote Desktop Services | Disabled |
Deny logoff of an administrator logged in to the console session | Enabled |
Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Connection Client | |
Configure server authentication for client | Enabled |
- Authentication setting: (Device) | Do not connect if authentication fails |
Do not allow passwords to be saved | Enabled |
Windows Components > Network Sharing | |
Prevent users from sharing files within their profile. (User) | Enabled |
Windows Components > Microsoft Defender Antivirus | |
Turn off Microsoft Defender Antivirus | Disabled |
Windows Components > Microsoft Defender Antivirus > MAPS | |
Configure local setting override for reporting to Microsoft MAPS | Disabled |
Configure the ‘Block at First Sight’ feature | Enabled |
Join Microsoft MAPS | Enabled |
- Join Microsoft MAPS (Device) | Advanced MAPS |
Windows Components > Microsoft Defender Antivirus > Quarantine | |
Configure removal of items from Quarantine folder | Disabled |
Windows Components > Microsoft Defender Antivirus > Real-time Protection | |
Scan all downloaded files and attachments | Enabled |
Turn off real-time protection | Disabled |
Turn on behavior monitoring | Enabled |
Turn on process scanning whenever real-time protection is enabled | Enabled |
Windows Components > Microsoft Defender Antivirus > Scan | |
Allow users to pause scan | Disabled |
Scan archive files | Enabled |
Scan packed executables | Enabled |
Scan removable drives | Enabled |
Turn on e-mail scanning | Enabled |
Turn on heuristics | Enabled |
Windows Components > Microsoft account | |
Block all consumer Microsoft account user authentication | Enabled |
Windows Components > Location and Sensors | |
Turn off location scripting | Enabled |
Windows Components > Location and Sensors > Windows Location Provider | |
Turn off Windows Location Provider | Enabled |
Windows Components > HomeGroup | |
Prevent the computer from joining a homegroup | Enabled |
Windows Components > File Explorer | |
Configure Windows Defender SmartScreen | Enabled |
- Pick one of the following settings: (Device) | Warn and prevent bypass |
Remove CD Burning features (User) | Enabled |
Remove Security tab (User) | Enabled |
Show hibernate in the power options menu | Disabled |
Show sleep in the power options menu | Disabled |
Turn off Data Execution Prevention for Explorer | Disabled |
Turn off heap termination on corruption | Disabled |
Turn off shell protocol protected mode | Disabled |
Windows Components > Event Log Service > System | |
- Maximum Log Size (KB) | 65536 |
Specify the maximum log file size (KB) | Enabled |
Windows Components > Event Log Service > Security | |
- Maximum Log Size (KB) | 2097152 |
Specify the maximum log file size (KB) | Enabled |
Windows Components > Event Log Service > Application | |
- Maximum Log Size (KB) | 65536 |
Specify the maximum log file size (KB) | Enabled |
Windows Components > Credential User Interface | |
Do not display the password reveal button | Enabled |
Enumerate administrator accounts on elevation | Disabled |
Prevent the use of security questions for local accounts | Enabled |
Require trusted path for credential entry | Enabled |
Windows Components > AutoPlay Policies | |
- Turn off Autoplay on: | All drives |
Disallow Autoplay for non-volume devices | Enabled |
Set the default behavior for AutoRun | Enabled |
- Default AutoRun Behavior | Do not execute any autorun commands |
Turn off Autoplay | Enabled |
Windows Components > Attachment Manager | |
Do not preserve zone information in file attachments (User) | Disabled |
Hide mechanisms to remove zone information (User) | Enabled |
Windows Components > Application Compatibility | |
Turn off Inventory Collector | Enabled |
Turn off Steps Recorder | Enabled |
System > Troubleshooting and Diagnostics > Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool | |
Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool: Turn on MSDT interactive communication with support provider | Disabled |
System > Power Management > Sleep Settings | |
- System Sleep Timeout (seconds): | 0 |
Allow standby states (S1-S3) when sleeping (on battery) | Disabled |
Allow standby states (S1-S3) when sleeping (plugged in) | Disabled |
Require a password when a computer wakes (on battery) | Enabled |
Require a password when a computer wakes (plugged in) | Enabled |
Specify the system hibernate timeout (on battery) | Enabled |
- System Hibernate Timeout (seconds): | 0 |
Specify the system hibernate timeout (plugged in) | Enabled |
- System Hibernate Timeout (seconds): | 0 |
Specify the system sleep timeout (on battery) | Enabled |
- System Sleep Timeout (seconds): | 0 |
Specify the system sleep timeout (plugged in) | Enabled |
System > Internet Communication Management > Internet Communication settings | |
Turn off access to the Store | Enabled |
System > Device Installation > Device Installation Restrictions | |
- Prevented Classes | {d48179be-ec20-11d1-b6b8-00c04fa372a7} |
- Also apply to matching devices that are already installed. | True |
Prevent installation of devices that match any of these device IDs | Enabled |
- Also apply to matching devices that are already installed. | True |
- Prevented device IDs | PCI\CC_0C0010, PCI\CC_0C0A |
Prevent installation of devices using drivers that match these device setup classes | Enabled |
Start Menu and Taskbar > Notifications | |
Turn off toast notifications on the lock screen (User) | Enabled |
Network > Windows Connection Manager | |
Prohibit connection to non-domain networks when connected to domain authenticated network | Enabled |
Network > Network Provider | |
Hardened UNC Paths | Enabled |
- Value | RequireMutualAuthentication=1,RequireIntegrity=1 |
- Name | \\*\NETLOGON |
- Value | RequireMutualAuthentication=1,RequireIntegrity=1 |
- Name | \\*\SYSVOL |
Network > Network Connections | |
- Select from the following states: (Device) | Enabled State |
Prohibit installation and configuration of Network Bridge on your DNS domain network | Enabled |
Prohibit use of Internet Connection Sharing on your DNS domain network | Enabled |
Route all traffic through the internal network | Enabled |
Network > DNS Client | |
Turn off multicast name resolution | Enabled |
Control Panel > Personalization | |
- Seconds: (User) | 900 |
Enable screen saver (User) | Enabled |
Password protect the screen saver (User) | Enabled |
Prevent enabling lock screen camera | Enabled |
Prevent enabling lock screen slide show | Enabled |
Screen saver timeout (User) | Enabled |